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umgrauemeio presents Pantera on G20-DIA, in India


Bangalore, India - The Brazilian company umgrauemeio announces its participation in the G20-DIA event (https://www.g20diasummit.com), recently held in Bangalore, India. Participation occurred through a special invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (Itamaraty).

During the event, umgrauemeio had the opportunity to present its Pantera Platform, an innovative solution developed to support the Forestry and Agriculture sectors in the early detection of forest fires. The presentation highlighted the importance of technology in fire prevention, especially in a global scenario where the challenges related to forest fires are intensifying.

In addition to the presentation, umgrauemeio, represented by Osmar Bambini, strengthened ties with various startups and companies in the agro sector. The collaboration between Brazilian companies and the over 100 startups in the G20 India group was one of the highlights of the event, demonstrating the joint commitment to seeking innovative solutions to the sector's challenges.

Umgrauemeio also had the chance to dialogue with local partners and investors, reinforcing its commitment to environmental preservation and the protection of critical ecosystems, such as the tiger reserves in India, which face significant challenges due to forest fires.

The company expresses its gratitude for the opportunity to participate in such a significant event and reaffirms its commitment to innovation and environmental protection.

For more information about umgrauemeio and its initiatives, click here.

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